Timing, the million-dollar question
Timing, the million-dollar question. Is now the right time? Should I wait to build? Will costs improve if I hold off? These are all questions that are easy to answer in hindsight but require a crystal ball to be able to answer with 100% certainty today. As I don’t have a crystal ball, to be able to answer today, lets focus on the past. Looking back at the cost to build it becomes very clear, very quickly.
There is no better time to start than now! You see, the longer you take to start the more it can end up costing you. Ask anyone who waited to see what covid did to the cost of building, not many of them will tell you they were glad they waited, prices sky rocketed.
So if you are thinking of building, start now, get your finances sorted and go, it will be the biggest discount you can give yourself ever.
Building with dreams in mind.
Kleidon Masterbuilt Homes